Web Dev

How to save your Terminal Command History

The Problem #

Maybe like me, you work on lots of remote, terminal-only servers setting up stupid stuff like Plex, Jenkins, Godot Packaging, game servers, etc.

If you do this, you probably spend hours testing terminal commands trying to find the exact commands to configure your device properly. If your server ever went down, all that work would be lost forever.

Luckily, that command history is available on the device itself (up-arrow shows previous commands), but it doesn’t really help you if that VM is deleted and lost forever, or if you want to show somebody else the many steps it took to do something complicated. Copying commands one at a time is a non-starter too.


What is Shorter.Services?


What is Shorter Services? #

Shorter.Services is a SAAS application I dreamed up in December 2023. I wanted to make it easier to convert human-readable text from rasterized files into machine-readable data. I also wanted to make money off what I thought was a unique idea.

Fast forward 10 months, and I came to realize that my idea was not at all unique. At least 5 other, larger companies already had similar offerings. I was disheartened, but I finished the project.
